How To List an Ad

Want to know how to buy or sell your breast milk using our classifieds?

It’s fast, easy,  free, and private

Ads are  FREE and last for  100 days

  • First you must sign up for free membership. Only members can post ads. We only ask you to become members to help keep our community clean and private. We will never spam you or sell your info to anyone.
  • Next go to the classifies section and select “Place Ad”
  • Select the category that best fits you. We have a number of categories so buyers or sellers can find you faster and search for a specific need.
  • Please Do Not include your phone number or last name or email in your main ad text. Keeping this information private is key to you from receiving spam or unwanted phone calls.
  • Write a great ad! Be personable and remember to put yourself in the buyers shoes. Buyers like to hear positive things about the moms that they will be buying breast milk from.  We gave you lots of room to write a fantastic ad and why they should respond to you.
  • If you want to include a few pictures. We allow you to post up to 4 pictures. This is a family friendly site so please keep the pics G rated and of good taste. Any nudity or other violations will result in a removal of the ad.
  • Your ad will be posted and when interested Moms wants to buy your breast milk or sell you breast milk, depending on what you advertised, all they need to do is reply to your ad. We forward you their request via email. The interested Moms never get your email or phone number until you respond to them. Much better then posting your personal info across blogs and then getting all kinds of weirdos contacting you!

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….More Buyer Tips