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Contact Information
VA, United States
$ 1.25
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My breastmilk has been described as “liquid gold”. I breastfed both of my children. My first, I breastfed for over a year. I am still breastfeeding my second child I had this January. Both of my children started sleeping through the night at 3 months old. My breastmilk plumped them up into chunky babies. My oldest and my youngest were both in, and are currently, the 90th percentile for weight. My breastmilk has had long lasting positive effects for my oldest child. She is 6 and has never had an ear infection. Both children are very healthy!

I am a Pescatarian. I eat seafood, but no other meats such as beef, pork, and chicken. I continue to take prenatal vitamins. I do not smoke cigarettes, marijuana, or drink alcohol. No HIV or other illnesses. I am an overall healthy person!

Contact me if you would like to ask any further health questions or inquire about prescribed medication.

I have an oversupply of breastmilk and am still over producing. We have already had to buy a new freezer and it is already full of milk. Frozen milk is $1.25 per ounce and fresh is $1.75 an ounce. Please reach out if you have any specific questions or requests.

No Adult Wet Nursing, No Pictures, No Videos, No Checks accepted, No Couriers or Agents, No Western Union, No Walmart to Walmart and No Scams. I sign into my PayPal account to check balance before shipping.
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