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Contact Information
Contact KNByers89
Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States
$ 2.50
More Information
Hello, I'm Kelsey! I was a surrogate (gestational carrier) and at 38 weeks our surrobaby no longer had a heartbeat. I delivered her 4/3/24 as a stillbirth & to ease some hurt from it all, I desire to continue to help other mothers by donating my milk…
Recent Blood LabWork Available
I'm O+ blood type
I don't consume dairy
I'm unvaccinated
I'm in Stone Mountain Georgia,
Medications: vitamin Code Raw prenatal vitamins taken daily along with Vitamin c Magnesium Iton & Zinc
Drug, Alcohol & nicotine *including secondhand:
Date of milk: April 10th- present
How it's stored: deep freezer
This is milk l've collected from pumping. Pump pieces are washed and sanitized between every use.
Milk is refrigerated immediately after pumping and is bagged and frozen within 12 hours then stored in a deep freezer. Stored in 6 oz bags. Please reach out for additional information.
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